

effector 20.0.0

Pattern matching method, splits trigger unit (event, effect or store) into several events, which fires when trigger matches its matching function

split({source, match, cases})


  • source (Event | Effect | Store): Event, Effect or Store unit-trigger.
  • match (Object): Object with the functions-matches to which the data sent to the source will be sequentially matched. If one of the functions returns true, then the data will be sent to the corresponding cases[fieldName] (if there is one), if none of the functions returns true, then the data will be sent to cases.__ (if there is one)
  • cases (Object): An object with units (Event, Effect or Store) to which data will be passed from source if the corresponding matching function returns true



Example 1

import {split, createEffect, createEvent} from 'effector'
const messageReceived = createEvent()
const showTextPopup = createEvent()
const playAudio = createEvent()
const reportUnknownMessageType = createEffect(({type}) => {
console.log('unknown message:', type)
source: messageReceived,
match: {
text: msg => msg.type === 'text',
audio: msg => msg.type === 'audio',
cases: {
text: showTextPopup,
audio: playAudio,
__: reportUnknownMessageType,
showTextPopup.watch(({value}) => {
console.log('new message:', value)
type: 'text',
value: 'Hello',
// => new message: Hello
type: 'image',
imageUrl: '...',
// => unknown message: image

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Example 2

You can match directly to store api as well:

import {split, createStore, createEvent, createApi} from 'effector'
const textContent = createStore([])
const messageReceived = createEvent()
source: messageReceived,
match: {
text: msg => msg.type === 'text',
audio: msg => msg.type === 'audio',
cases: createApi(textContent, {
text: (list, {value}) => [...list, value],
audio: (list, {duration}) => [...list, `audio ${duration} ms`],
__: list => [...list, 'unknown message'],
textContent.watch(messages => {
type: 'text',
value: 'Hello',
// => ['Hello']
type: 'image',
imageUrl: '...',
// => ['Hello', 'unknown message']
type: 'audio',
duration: 500,
// => ['Hello', 'unknown message', 'audio 500 ms']

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Split object form


effector 21.0.0

split(source, cases)


  1. source (Event | Effect | Store): Event, Effect or Store unit-trigger.
  2. match (Object): Schema of cases, which uses names of resulting events as keys, and matching function((value) => Boolean)


(Object) - Object, having keys, defined in cases argument, plus __(two underscores) - which stands for default (no matches met) case.

Example 1

import {createEvent, split} from 'effector'
const message = createEvent()
const messageByAuthor = split(message, {
bob: ({user}) => user === 'bob',
alice: ({user}) => user === 'alice',
messageByAuthor.bob.watch(({text}) => {
console.log('[bob]: ', text)
messageByAuthor.alice.watch(({text}) => {
console.log('[alice]: ', text)
message({user: 'bob', text: 'Hello'})
// => [bob]: Hello
message({user: 'alice', text: 'Hi bob'})
// => [alice]: Hi bob
/* default case, triggered if no one condition met */
const {__: guest} = messageByAuthor
guest.watch(({text}) => {
console.log('[guest]: ', text)
message({user: 'unregistered', text: 'hi'})
// => [guest]: hi

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Only the first met match will trigger resulting event

Example 2

import {createEvent, split} from 'effector'
const message = createEvent()
const {short, long, medium} = split(message, {
short: m => m.length <= 5,
medium: m => m.length > 5 && m.length <= 10,
long: m => m.length > 10,
short.watch(m => console.log(`short message '${m}'`))
medium.watch(m => console.log(`medium message '${m}'`))
long.watch(m => console.log(`long message '${m}'`))
message('Hello, Bob!')
// => long message 'Hello, Bob!'
// => short message 'Hi!'

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